We, the Editors and Publisher of Journal of Architectural Education, have retracted the following article:
Angela Juarranz Serrano, “Environmental Communications Looks at the Built, Los Angeles, 1970s,” Journal of Architectural Education 75, no. 1 (2021): 38-48. https://doi.org/10.1080/10464883.2021.1859885.
It was brought to our attention that the article contains significant overlap with previously published sources:
Mark Wasiuta and Marcos Sánchez, “Environmental Communications,” Domus (2014): 112-119. http://www.environmentalcommunications.com/writing/domus-971/.
Mark Wasiuta and Marcos Sánchez, Radical Pedagogies website. https://radical-pedagogies.com/search-cases/a38-environmental-communications/.
Claire Voon, “The Collective that Radicalized Urban Design in the 1970s with Slides,” Hyperallergenic (2017). http://hyperallergic.com/364696/environmental-communications-contact-high-laxart/.
Following notification, we investigated in accordance with Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) guidelines on plagiarism. Overlap includes general paraphrasing of the earlier articles, including a series of passages that were reworded from published sources, which were presented as original ideas in the essay. The author has been notified of the decision to retract.
Therefore, we have determined that publication of a retraction is the best course of action. The retracted article will remain online to maintain the scholarly record, but it will be digitally watermarked on each page as “Retracted.”