In this time of intensifying public activism and an increased appetite for social change, are we well positioned to attract more diverse and motivated learners to architecture schools? Why would someone who is talented, motivated, and ready to change the world choose architecture over so many other options—fields that might have clearer educational paths, careers that might enjoy higher salaries, and professions that promise a better work-life balance? The perceived expectations in architecture school, as in the profession, are very high. Our students work longer hours than any other major, dedicating on average over twenty-two hours of work outside of class each week.1 At the same time, they struggle to maintain their mental health and wellbeing. Given this context, what will it take to promote greater diversity, equity, and inclusion in architectural education? How can we sustain our efforts over the coming years, even decades, to realize these goals? Furthermore, what does architecture have to gain by this commitment, and what does it stand to lose, if anything?
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