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Interview with Søren Johansen and Sebastian Skovsted of Johansen Skovsted Arkitekter
Carolina Dayer, Ivan Rupnik, Jacob Mans
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Sebastian Skovsted: When we went to the site of the Tipperne Tower for the first time we were fascinated by the landscape and we dreamt to build a tower. We became fascinated with building with steel, solid round iron bars that one often sees in electrical infrastructures. We saw potentials in the fragility and openness of such structures. From a very early stage in the design process we knew we wanted to work with this technique and materials. It is a very specific form of craftmanship. On one hand the technique is very advanced, it uses digital technology, on the other it is very old fashioned, people manually weld steel rods. It is not machine made, it is a craft but it is also a highly specialized, advanced, and optimized field of construction. We have tried to curate the potential of this technique and acknowledge the different scales of working with it. For example, the galvanization of steel conditions size and that informed the scope and geometry of the tower.

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